
Contact Details
Map Services
Predefined Fields
Predefined Sections

Open Contacts


Edit Contact Details

Input Name

When inserting a new individual contact, after you fill in the Full Name field, then the Surname field, the Given name field and the Middle Name field will be filled in automatically. When you modify these name fields, the change will be reflected back to the Full Name filed.

However, when you modify a saved record, changes on these name fields will not be reflected back to the Full Name field.

Add New Field

You may add field to any location within a section. After you click on the "Add Field" command, a new field will be added to the top of the section if the section name is selected, or under current field of the section if a field was selected to become current field. 

Open Contacts provides some handy methods for you to input data quickly and accurately, through some predefined fields.

Change Field Name

You could either pick up a field type from the dropdown list, or type in a field name. The field name may be a predefined one or anything you like.


Delete Field

To delete a field, simply clear the value of the field. After saving the record, data fields with empty value will be removed.

Move Field Up or Down

To move a field up or down, select the field, then press "Ctrl+U" or "Ctrl+D".

Change Section Name

Simply type in any section name you want. Please do not defined two sections with the same name.

Add Section

To add a new empty section, you may press "Ctrl+ G". Alternatively, you could create a predefined section by selecting one from the Predefined Section List.

To add a section before current section, just select current section name then run "Add Section".

To add a section after current section, just select any field of current section then run "Add Section".

If there is no current section selected, new section will be added to the bottom.

Delete Section

To delete a section, simply clear the section name. When you save the record, data fields of the section will be all removed as well. In addition, if the values of all data fields of the section are empty, the section will be deleted after saving the record.

Move Section Up or Down

To move a section up or down, select the section, then press "Alt+U" or "Alt+D".

Define Notes of Section

Each section could have a Notes field to store multiple lines of text. Press the Notes button or shortcut "Ctrl + M", the field will be shown at the bottom of current section. To get a larger window of editing a notes field, highlight the field, and press shortcut "Alt + M".

When you save the record, if the content of the Notes field is empty, the Notes field will be removed.